Climate Change
Our Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton is telling farmers that they need to take control of their destiny. To actively engage to get a viable ETS solution or they will get another political solution imposed on them.
My literature review shows that farmers have a powerful way forward in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal CDR IPCC ANZBIG CRI CDR.
The graphic shows the increasing trend in atmospheric CO2 with a 6 PPM seasonal variation. Photosynthesis is the biggest contributor to this seasonal CO2 reduction. My study shows only enhanced photosynthesis “window of opportunity” in perennial grassland can deliver atmospheric CO2 reductions of this magnitude.
Role of Grasslands and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)
FAO 2023 Global assessment of grassland SOC highlights that current grassland management trends are leading to SOC losses. …… After oceans, soils are the second largest carbon pool on Earth and they play an important role in global climate change due to the large amount of carbon currently stored in soil organic matter.
Grassland under and over utilisation are equally disruptive to photosynthesis sunlight interception and atmospheric carbon accumulation. Only enhanced photosynthesis window of opportunity of a perennial plant can deliver continuous and compounding SOC into the subsoil.
Focusing on methane is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, the result will still be a disaster.
Mono culture pine plantation SOC accumulation will be terminal at plantation harvest.
Jason James (2016) Pawlok Dass (2018)
Carbon Pathways and Waste Biomass
My literature review identifies a three step carbon pathway to the subsoil; two opportunities to interrupt waste biomass carbon pathway to atmosphere, which come together as a plant ready product for immediate root engagement, to contribute to enhanced photosynthesis “window of opportunity” and drive a carbon pathway to the subsoil for large scale CDR.
Research Documents and Peer Review
My study is in two documents;
• Grassland carbon pathway to the subsoil.
• Pyro Bio CDR. (Equally an epic ETS fail)
Both are over 20 pages and being prepared for peer review.
But in the meantime, for the purpose of initiating this discussion, I have prepared;
• Three step CDR summary with the supporting study links.
• Grassland CDR in pictures.
A Call for Constructive Engagement
It is hard to get better answers if we do not ask better questions.
Simon Upton is asking why the pastoral sector is complaining about the NZ ETS without putting up a better option.
The literature shows that pastoral farming has the capacity to be our environmental salvation. But it is not business as usual.
Pastoral farmers need to engage to make a viable ETS work.
Three step Carbon Dioxide Removal program
For organic carbon to be not prone to atmospheric emission, it has to be in the ground. Photosynthesis is the primary mechanism for atmospheric carbon accumulation and is tightly associated with fixing root derived carbon, down through the soil profiles.
The overall objective here is large scale atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR IPCC). ANZBIG CRI CDR.
If the ETS, Toitū and Overseer were fit for purpose, Farmers would be in a powerful position to implement CDR for a large-scale material reduction to atmospheric CO2, a genuine offset for fossil fuel emissions, but that would require environmental accountability that is not currently valid.
Photosynthesis is not rocket science, but it is high school science. Most farmers went to high school, some even went to university and studied rocket science.
Current animal production strategies represent a clear conflict of interest with enhanced photosynthesis compromising grassland Net Primary Productivity. Environmental sustainability does not equal commercial sustainability.
Below is a summary of my literature review supporting a three step carbon pathway to the subsoil; two opportunities to interrupt waste biomass carbon pathway to atmosphere, which come together as a plant ready product for immediate root engagement, to contribute to enhanced photosynthesis “window of opportunity” and drive a carbon pathway to the subsoil for large scale CDR.
It is hard to get better answers if we do not ask better questions.
Pyro / Bio CDR discussion document is a literature review showing that we have two good options for not only interrupting the biomass carbon pathway to atmosphere, but also mitigating chemical and organic pollution due to intensive food and fiber production.
Pyro Carbonisation of nutrient poor biomass (wood chip) and wood derived product (paper and cardboard) does look and sound like rocket science and a recipe for burnt fingers and eyebrows. However, the residual product is resistant to becoming atmospheric with a half life of hundreds of years, for which we have no comparable alternative, but that environmental feature gets no commercial ETS value or recognition.
1. Pyro CDR literature review
- Illustrations showing emission to atmosphere time scales for biomass Vs biochar.
- Increasing temperature increases the volatile yield, porous capacity and half life, but reduces the residual yield. 1, 2 .
- Illustrations showing biochar soil migration behavior and resulting soil emissions. 3, 4, 23, 34, 35, 36 .
- Increasing biochar pore capacity can absorb and release plant available nutrient, facilitates microbial colonization for enhanced rhizosphere zone of activity. 3, 4 .
- Fresh bio char is nutrient sterile, application to soil can be disruptive to plant available nutrient. 5, 6, 7 .
- Adding fresh bio char to a nutrient dense food and animal waste composting process, promoting thermophilic compost process and microbial colonization resulting in a more nutrient dynamic product. 7, 22, 25 .
- Waste stream feed stocks are meaningful Waste to Energy (WTE) and CDR mitigation. 8 .
- This is an ideal technique for high calorific, difficult to combust waste stream feed stocks like plastic, tyres and textiles but the residual is not biochar. I use the term biochar where the literature says biochar, but otherwise, I will refer to the residual product as Pyrolitic Carbon expressed as Py C.
- Co firing those feed stocks with wood waste increases residual yield and porous quality indicators at lower temperature via the secondary cracking effect. 15, 16 .
2. Bio CDR literature review
Bio compost process is not rocket science, but it is common garden variety high school science.
- Traditional field windrow composting works well for green waste but is more problematic in more nutrient dense food and animal waste. 9 .
- Maintaining aerobic process in nutrient dense biomass is more challenging because the increased oxygen demand and reduced porosity will very quickly become anaerobic at the center of the mass. Reduced thermophilic process will result in more sub thermophilic gradient zones that can facilitate pathogen development, odorous emissions and require long maturation phase to overcome incomplete process. 12, 24, 27 .
- Thermophilic maturity producing a stable product not prone to secondary fermentation and ongoing odorous and GHG damaging emission. 10, 7, 26 .
- Turning of field windrow mass to facilitate air permeability to the core region causes a significant loss to the thermophilic inertia. 13, 14 .
- In vessel Rotary Drum Reactor (RDR) can maintain extended thermophilic process for reduced ongoing and problematic emission. 10, 28 .
- Extended thermophilic process will ensure good pathogen control, mitigate Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) such as in pork and poultry effluent, antibiotics and antimicrobials as in the active ingredients in personal hygiene, cleaning and sanitisers. 18, 19, 20 .
- Maintaining thermophilic process for extended period throughout the entire mass must be a priority where increased challenge for intensive organic process exists.
- Bacillus subtilis is the dominant microbe in the thermophilic breakdown process and is a common Plant Growth Promoting Rhyzobacteria (PGPR) which will be equally important to the breakdown of dead soil organic matter for nutrient recycling as a result of enhanced below ground tissue turnover. 21 .
- The product of this co process is a meaningful interruption to the waste biomass carbon pathway to atmosphere and is plant ready for immediate root engagement. 22, 29 .
3. Grassland Carbon Pathway to the subsoil
If intensive grassland management is not your passion, Do not go there!!! It is not rocket science, but it is grass roots high school science. The grassland CDR Doc shows just the pictures.
The grassland literature review documents,
- Long term grassland Rate of Growth record illustrating the origin of grassland under and over utilisation problem at all the wrong times leading to a degenerative grassland trend. 40, 41, 37, 45 .
- Two long term grassland studies documenting increasing SOC with increasing species diversity and there were no animals involved. 42, 43 .
- Enhanced photosynthesis, with early interruption to reproductive maturity increased Below Ground Biomass Net Primary Productivity (BGBNPP) over all grazing defoliation timing and intensity options contributing to species diversity and diversity in Microbial Associated Soil Organic Carbon (MASOC) as documented in the above two long term grassland studies. 44, 45 .
- Exudates production peaks with peak plant photosynthesis nutrient at the onset of reproductive maturity, and then goes into rapid decline at seed set and senescent tissue development. 45 .
- Defining the function of rhizosphere zone of activity is important to understanding the function of the fine root hairs to increasing the surface area for exudate production. 46 .
- A list of studies and study reviews documenting root exudates contribution to rhizosphere input organic carbon into the soil accounted for up to 40% of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis with increased microbial activity to breakdown dead soil organic matter by up to 380% for nutrient cycling. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 .
- Increased below ground biomass is dependent on photosynthesis from above ground vegetative cover for increasing rhizodeposition. 60, 61, 62, 63, .
- Species diversity driving microbial diversity is central to increasing deep subsoil Soil Organic matter (SOM) and MASOC 64, 65, 75 .
- Increasing Water Use Efficiency (WUE) is a driver of microbial diversity and Carbon Use Efficiency (CUE) 29, 66, 71 .
- SOM and grazing management are big predictors of increasing or decreasing WUE and CUE. 44, 48, 49, 51, 65, 77, 78, 79, 76 .
- Species diversity drives microbial diversity producing increased dissolved organic matter converting organic matter of high molecular weight to low molecular weight dissolved organic matter for downward transport quantified at 3.6m deep into the subsoil and microbial stabilised. 29, 73, 74, 76 .
- The bit that is missing from most of the above studies is a focus on the primary driver of the downward transport of dissolved organic matter, that being green leaf area for photosynthesis “window of opportunity”.
- While droughts are normal, intermittent plant available moisture stress is more normal. 40, Animal production represents a serious conflict of interest to grassland NPP under all but a “No Drought” sequence. 41, 44, 45 .
- FAO 2023 Global assessment of grassland SOC highlights that current grassland management trends are leading to SOC losses (Ratten Lal (2018) and fits with the observations from my grassland photos.
- An extended period of Zero Grazing with Intensive Defoliation at Stem Elongation (ZG/ID@SE) will capture an enhanced photosynthesis “window of opportunity”
- The grassland photos show that enhanced photosynthesis in our traditional grasslands (read; default species dominant) could achieve increased above and below ground biomass NPP by a factor of two or more in the first season.
- If the ETS was fit for purpose, farmers would be in a powerful position to implement[- a speedy, widespread introduction of grassland CDR.
- The animals eat the grass.
- We eat the animals and carbonize the outcome. The perfect circular economy.
- Mono culture pine tree plantations do not achieve the above diversity objectives, SOC accumulation is terminal at plantation harvest. A meta analysis of hundreds of forest harvest studies from around the world found general agreement with SOC losses in the sub soils for prolonged periods. 70 .
The objective is to validate and quantify the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) opportunity.
Effectively, we now have a four step procedure because much of the increased bioactivity retained in the Py C Co-compost product, can be better captured in association with ZG/ID@SE. In any other crop or horticultural application, it will be more exposed and more prone to atmospheric emission.
- Pyro carbonisation (PyC) of nutrient poor biomass (wood waste). Say 300kg of carbon stable residual yield / T wood chip feedstock. 1 .
- Bio in-vessel co-process of PyC with nutrient dense biomass (food and animal waste) Say capture volatile nutrient upto 40% emission reduction per t of bulk biomass. 7, 22, 26 .
- In the two long term grassland studies, there was no focus enhanced photosynthesis. Just species richness and SOC accumulation. In study 42, they found a 27% increase over nine years. In study 43, observations ranged from 88% to 253% in years 13 – 22 because the site had been so degraded.
- Quantifying the carbon advantage of the Py C Co compost product is a bit speculative because I cant find any in-vessel RDR studies that used biochar. There are a number of static in-vessel studies that incorporate biochar but their recordings show some evidence of some incomplete, secondary fermentation in the thermophilic stage, which would have been more complete in an RDR system. Studies 7, 22, 26, show that the emission retentions are not huge but they are the emissions that are most environmentally damaging and problematic (odorous). The nutrient retention will be the most valuable when displacing chemical nutrient. Surface application of chemical nutrient leads to reduced Below Ground Biomass Net Primary Productivity, facilitating excess nutrient pathway into the surrounding environment. 48, 49, 50, 51, Organic nutrient contributes to ecosystem functioning of the carbon pathway to the subsoil, for which there is no ETS recognition.
It’s time for farmers to take action and turn the NZ ETS into a tool that works for both sustainability and profitability.
Grassland CDR
Enhanced grassland window of opportunity
For organic carbon to be not prone to atmospheric emission, it has to be in the ground. (Ratten Lal 2018) Photosynthesis is the primary mechanism for atmospheric carbon accumulation and is tightly associated with fixing root derived carbon down through the soil profiles, more effective than surface derived carbon. (Noah W Sokol 2019)
The selective grazing habit of sheep and cattle is normal, leading to under and over utilisation at the same time. Both are equally disruptive to photosynthesis sunlight interception. There is no in between. (McSherry and Richie 2013) (Moot DJ 2021) (Noah W Sokol 2019)
These utilisation extremes lead to a trend of reducing species diversity by over utilizing of the preferred species, allowing less preferred and default species to dominate.
Window of opportunity lost in NZ grasslands
A lot of what you see here is not last season’s residue; it is from seasons previous to that. There are thousands of hectares on the dry East Coast of New Zealand at various stages of looking like this. Poor utilisation leads to even worse Net Primary Productivity.
Left, early January 2023 and right, 12 months later illustrates the persistence of the default species residue and how challenging late defoliation is.
The nature of the default species residue means that intensive defoliation by burn off is the only realistic option for clearing the remaining dead leaf litter that is interrupting sunlight reception at the base of the plant for a prolonged period.
The only speedy recovery option from beyond seed set in the default species is autumn burnoff followed by ongoing Zero Grazing with intensive Defoliation at Stem Elongation (ZG/ID@SE) for enhanced photosynthetic window of opportunity. The trigger for new tiller initiation requires sunlight at the base of the plant.
The species diversity that already exists in the above grasslands can not be replicated in a simple pasture renewal program. Implementing ZG/ID@SE in the above grasslands could achieve increased above and below ground biomass NPP by a factor of two or more in the first season with the only renovation required being an autumn burn off.
Once a pattern of early interruption to reproductive maturity has been established, there will be an inherant grassland resistance to environmental extremes and increased tolerance of current animal performance priorities. Vegetative species will dominante over default species reproductive dominance.
Drought prone grassland NPP is incompatible with animal performance
Grazing the regrowth in a dry trending environment is unavoidable, so therefore, a degenerative grassland trend with animals is inevitable.
Deferred Grazing handbook (2020) This is a good illustration of Below Ground Biomass Net Primary Productivity (BGBNPP) from reduced defoliations.
This seed in a pipe study shows that the biggest below ground accumulation differential is at depth which will be dependent on enhanced photosynthesis as in deferred grazing Vs rotational grazing.
The issue leading to this study observation is the objective of extreme summer surplus to autumn deficit management in hill country. The problem residue can be seen in the above grassland photos. The magnitude of these seasonal extremes can be seen in the observations of R. M. McNamara (1992)
However, the seed in a pipe study observations misses the connection with extreme reproductive residue build up because the study duration is that of a juvenile plant that will have no priority to go reproductive.
The study would have been of more value if it was established at autumn equinox of the previous season using an established grassland core sample rather than a seed.
This ryegrass plant is coming up 18 months old. The previously defoliation was at primary seed head at stem elongation (about 30 days after spring equinox) and this defoliation was at secondary seed head stem elongation (30 days after the longest day, 7 days before this photo) Sunlight at the base of the plant is the trigger for new tiller initiation. The geriatric tiller mortality can be seen in the center with new tiller initiation with some outer tillers reshooting.
The lower photo was taken 3 weeks later when I cut away through the center so the lower photo is looking from the center to the right. We can see the new tillers in the center and the outer tillers have multiple stems. If reproductive maturity had been allowed to develop, it would have been fatal for these regenerating tillers. Instead, some of them have up to six new three leaf stems.
The regenerative objective of increased grazing residuals will result in a buildup of coarse vascular geriatric tillers that persist, contributing little to enhanced photosynthesis and are a barrier to increasing leaf area index, suppressing new tiller initiation and tiller density.
Early interruption to reproductive maturity captures peak photosynthesis at a point where there will only be a brief interruption to below ground NPP. (Erik Button 2022) (McCormack 2014) (Marie Spohn 2023) (Yuanyuan Huang 2023) (Luiz A. Domeignoz-Horta 2020)(Wang R 2021)
The Google image below shows that peak plant nutrient is at peak photosynthesis then goes into rapid quality decline as plant carbon nutrient becomes committed to seed set. Plant senescence will be well advanced at flowering so early interruption by decapitation reprioritizes plant survival by vegetative photosynthesis regeneration contributing to the species and MASOC diversity.
Increased below ground biomass is dependent on enhanced photosynthesis from above ground vegetative cover for increasing rhizodeposition. (Noah W Sokol 2019)
The defoliation timelines in my observations are strategic to increasing ongoing seasonal species diversity by capturing the vegetative dominant species and releasing the environmental stress tolerant species that supports microbial diversity.
This graphic illustrates how species diversity is strategic to ecosystem functioning response to environmental stress and MASOC diversity. Alex Williams (2019)
While droughts are normal, intermittent plant available moisture stress is more normal. Animal production represents a serious conflict of interest to grassland NPP under all but the “No Drought” sequence. Rishi Deosaran (2024) A.M. Rajper (2024)
The defoliation timelines as in my observations focuses on regenerating the photosynthesis window of opportunity which is central to increasing soil organic matter down through the soil profiles. S Li (2024)
Five Benefits of Soil Organic Matter Figure 2 shows the increase in plant available water with higher organic matter content across three different soils. Increasing organic matter 1% in the topsoil decreases the bulk density and increases the available water capacity by approximately 0.2-0.3 inches, which can be extremely valuable to help plants manage water through periods of moisture deficits.
Fig 2: Relationship between organic matter (%) and available water capacity (inches) in the top six inches of three different soils. Source: Adapted from data by Hudson, 1994.
If the AWC is converted from inches to mm, 2 inches becomes 50mm which is 5% of 1 cubic Meter.
Increasing Water Use Efficiency (WUE) is a driver of microbial diversity and Carbon Use Efficiency (CUE) (Erik Button 2022) Luiz A. Domeignoz-Horta 2020
Species diversity driving microbial diversity is central to increasing deep subsoil Soil Organic matter (SOM) and MASOC Leanne Peixoto (2020)
SOM and grazing management are big predictors of increasing or decreasing WUE and CUE. 44, 48, 49, 51, 65, 77, 78, 79, 76,
Continuous defoliation and surface nutrient application draw root biomass closer to the soil surface, therefore, decreasing SOM and CUE. (Moot DJ 2021) (Poyda 2020) (Luke McCormack 2014)
This carbon cycle diagram (Mike Cheiky’s AlwaysON GoingGreenSV 2012 Keynote) shows increasing and decreasing atmospheric carbon.
The Carbon Neutral tree will be terminal for SOC accumulation at plantation harvest. Jason James 2016 Pawlok Dass (2018)
Native forest is good, but increased carbon accumulation is largely limited to its primary growth cycle.
The carbon negative image on the right seriously understates the photosynthesis “window of opportunity” of perennial grassland species diversity leading to MASOC diversity for increasing soil carbon use efficiency. Plus, we have two good options for interrupting the waste biomass carbon pathway to atmosphere.
The ETS cannot recognize any of these opportunities and favours mono culture pine trees. That is an epic fail.
There is an urgent need for alternative outcomes for grassland biomass.
• Making paper from grass (
• Sustainable Food Packaging (
• Poly lactic acid (PLA) (